11. 3. 2025 1:43:04

Protokol o žrebovaní

RandomPicker je nezávislý systém, ktorý umožňuje organizátorom súťaží alebo lotérií náhodne vylosovať výhercov. Tento server neorganizuje žiadne súťaže - je to len nástroj pre náhodné žrebovanie.
V tomto verejnom zázname sú uvedené podrobnosti o každom žrebovaní, aby sa preukázalo, že bolo spravodlivé. Zaviedli sme niekoľko opatrení, aby sme zabránili podvodom a zaistili spravodlivé výsledky. Spravodlivosť žrebovania si môžete overiť tak, že si pozriete podrobnosti uvedené nižšie. Účastníci môžu použiť aj funkciu vyhľadávania nižšie, aby zistili, či boli zaradení do žrebovania.

Názov projektu: October 01, 2023 IFIO Draw 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7 for a $500 Gift Card and Draw 8 for a $100 Gift Card Draw and Draw 9 - Framed & Signed Print of "Dr's Montage" by ScottArt (or CDN $100 Gift Card)

Požadovaný projekt exspiroval, záznam už nie je k dispozícii.

Vlastník projektu / organizátor súťaže: I Found It Online; 5 Hawkside Road NW; Calgary; Canada
Deň žrebovania: 30. 9. 2023 6:29:34 (GMT-07:00) Horský čas (USA a Kanada)
Podmienky účasti:

1.  All Partially & Fully Registered users are entered into our Monthly Draw.  However, in order to Qualify to Win the Monthly drawing, you must be Fully Registered and have a Completely Updated Profile Page on IFIO.  Once registered you go to "My Account" and click on "Update Profile" This is where you can completely add your address, phone number, and all other fields that are missing.  This is what must be done and is part of the requirement to be qualified.  If we have no mailing address then we have no way to mail out any possible won gift cards.

2.  You must also have a Current/Active Listing at the time of drawing anywhere on www.ifio.ca.

It's that easy and it's free!!

There is no cost to enter and you have a great chance at getting a nice free Minimum $50 Canadian Gift Card!!!

Paid Business Listings on our Directory are added to our "Gift Card of Choice" Vendor List.

***You must be 18 years or older to participate***

In the event that the person drawn does not qualify (meet all requirements) and/or contact us by responding to our email notification within 72 hours with the correct answer to the Canadian skill testing math question below and have completely filled out their contact information, they will then forfeit their prize.  In the event of a forfeiture,  IFIO will then add the $50 back to the drawing pot as an unclaimed prize.  In other words, the next drawing would be for 1x $100 Canadian Gift Cards.

Please check your email to make sure to respond within 72 hours (to avoid being disqualified).
You must also correctly answer the "Skill-Testing Question" listed below and include it in your email.
You must also completely fill out all your contact information including Business Name (if applicable) and Birth/Given Name. 

If a Canadian resident wins a prize, that person must also answer correctly within a 5 minute time period a mathematical skill-testing question without the benefit of any calculating devices before the prize will be awarded.

Sample Canadian Skill Testing Math Question

What is (155 plus 33) divided by 2?

The above math question is a sample.  You must correctly answer the math question in the email sent to you if you win.

Your correct answer to the above math question must be included in your return email to qualify for the prize as per the "Canadian Competition Act".

The entry rules!!

You must fully register (on the registration/sign up page) on www.ifio.ca (including full contact information) to claim a draw prize.
You must place a Free or Paid listing anywhere on IFIO and be active (classified's, Directories, Real Estate, etc). You must Follow Us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/IFIOCanada)!


1 prize 1xDraw #1 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
2 prize 1xDraw #2 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
3 prize 1xDraw #3 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
4 prize 1xDraw #4 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
5 prize 1xDraw #5 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
6 prize 1xDraw #6 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
7 prize 1xDraw #7 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card
8 prize 1xDraw #8 is for a CDN $100 Vendor of Choice Gift Card
9 prize 1xDraw #9 is for a Framed & Signed Print of "Dr's Montage" by Scott Art (or a CDN $100 Gift Card)

Celkový počet účastníkov: 5088
Šanca na výhru: Všetky účastníci mali rovnakú šancu na výhru

Zoznam výhercov

Systém vyžreboval nasledujúcich výhercov::
2321 Matthews, Cody Draw #1 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card! 1
2219 Greens, Speed Draw #2 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card! 1
4236 Patel, Rick Draw #3 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card! 1
4158 McKenzie, Callie Draw #4 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card! 1
758 Loewen, James Draw #5 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card! 1
1192 SYED, ZAHID Draw #6 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card! 1
1203 Living, Peak Draw #7 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card 1
4265 bennett, margaret Draw #8 is for a CDN $100 Vendor of Choice Gift Card 1
957 Inc, Bazis Draw #9 is for a Framed & Signed Print of "Dr's Montage" by Scott Art (or a CDN $100 Gift Card) 1