05/02/2025 04:53:53

Public Record

What is RandomPicker.com: RandomPicker is an independent system that helps organizers conduct drawings from a random basis. It is used to pick winners of giveaways, sweepstakes, raffles or other competitions. It also includes a module for sport drawings.
This public record shows the details of each drawing to prove that it was fair. We have a number of measures in place to prevent cheating and ensure fair outcomes. You can verify the fairness of the drawing by reviewing the details below. Participants can also use the search feature below to see if they were included in the drawing.

Project: February 01, 2023 IFIO Draw 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 for a $500 Gift Card Draw, Draw 7 for a $200 Gift Card and Draw 8 - Framed & Signed Print of "Dr's Montage" by ScottArt (or CDN $100 Gift Card)

The requested project expired, the record is not available.

Organizer: I Found It Online; 5 Hawkside Road NW; Calgary; Canada
Draw date: 01/02/2023 07:14:27 (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
1 prize 1xDraw #1 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
2 prize 1xDraw #2 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
3 prize 1xDraw #3 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
4 prize 1xDraw #4 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
5 prize 1xDraw #5 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
6 prize 1xDraw #6 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
7 prize 1xDraw #7 is for a CDN $200 Vendor of Choice Gift Card
8 prize 1xDraw #8 is for a Framed & Signed Print of "Dr's Montage" by Scott Art (or a CDN $100 Gift Card)

Total number of entries: 4184
Chance of winning: All entries had an equal chance of winning

Winner list

RandomPicker drew the following people:
Winner IDPrizeImageWeight
2413 Professional, FixUp Draw #1 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card! 1
4242 Moris, Raizelle Draw #2 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card! 1
1723 Delhi Escorts das, yamini Draw #3 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card! 1
937 Restoration Services, Canada's Draw #4 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card! 1
3422 Mahoney DDS, Timothy G. Draw #5 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card! 1
3451 dental, serenity Draw #6 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card! 1
3063 Patin, Alexis Draw #7 is for a CDN $200 Vendor of Choice Gift Card 1
482 Martin, Steve Draw #8 is for a Framed & Signed Print of "Dr's Montage" by Scott Art (or a CDN $100 Gift Card) 1