13/01/2025 23:19:49

Public Record

What is RandomPicker.com: RandomPicker is an independent system that helps organizers conduct drawings from a random basis. It is used to pick winners of giveaways, sweepstakes, raffles or other competitions. It also includes a module for sport drawings.
This public record shows the details of each drawing to prove that it was fair. We have a number of measures in place to prevent cheating and ensure fair outcomes. You can verify the fairness of the drawing by reviewing the details below. Participants can also use the search feature below to see if they were included in the drawing.

Project: January 02nd, 2022 IFIO Draw 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 - $500 Gift Card Draw! Draw #6 - $50 Gift Card Draw. Draw 7 - Framed & Signed Print of "Dr's Montage" by ScottArt (or CDN $100 Gift Card)!

The requested project expired, the record is not available.

Weights were applied - entries have varying chances to win. Weights are commonly used when the organizer is selling products, i.e.the more products you buy the higher chance to win you have.

Organizer: I Found It Online; 5 Hawkside Road NW; Calgary; Canada
Draw date: 02/01/2022 08:04:48 (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Terms and conditions:

In order to qualify, you must meet the following conditions!


1.  Must fully Register (completely update your profile page) on www.ifio.ca.


2.  Must have an Active Listing at the time of the drawing.


3.  Must Follow us/Friend us on Social Media (register your name/number and follow/friend us)!


4.  Must like or re-tweet one of our postings on Facebook or Twitter.


5.  Must have logged in to your account on www.ifio.ca within the past 30 days.


IFIO@IFIOCanada on Twitter


All of the above is 100% free to do.


By Canadian law, in order to Win/Claim your prize, you must do the following;

1. Qualify (as above)

2. Correctly answer a simple math question in the email that we send you.

3.  You must reply correctly to the email within 72 hours.


You will be Disqualified from winning if you do not follow all the rules above!  Please ensure you complete all the steps so you will not be disqualified.

1 prize 1xDraw #1 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
2 prize 1xDraw #2 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
3 prize 1xDraw #3 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
4 prize 1xDraw #4 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
5 prize 1xDraw #5 is for a CDN $500 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
6 prize 1xDraw #6 is for a CDN $50 Vendor of Choice Gift Card!
7 prize 1xDraw #7 is for a Framed & Signed Print of "Dr's Montage" by Scott Art (or a CDN $100 Gift Card)

Total number of entries: 3334
Chance of winning: All entries had an equal chance of winning

Winner list

RandomPicker drew the following people:
Winner IDPrizeImageWeight
2085 Sahly, David 1
277YAspireDental 1
1122 Martin, Kevin 1
2389 Lovingly, Move Seniors 1
461 Hitendra Lonare 1
2803 Gough, Robby 1
882 Gillin, Andy 1