Preguntas frecuentes

What can I use RandomPicker for?
You can randomly pick people from your list with RandomPicker. It is a random winner generator. There are so many sources to pick winners from - giveaway / contest / raffle / lottery participants, Facebook fans, Twitter follower, survey respondents, etc.
Are you a hosted or installed solution?
We are a completely hosted web-based service. You don’t need to install any application to your computer or server.
Are any IT skills required?
Definitely not. RandomPicker has a user-friendly interface and the application is very easy to use.
Is my data secure?
Your account is password-protected, only the account holder can access your account and data.
Do you access my data?
No. We don’t touch your data or harvest any information. Your data will never be sold, rented, or used in any way by RandomPicker. We do our very best to protect your data.
Can I try your system for free?
Yes. Just sign up and create your account on RandomPicker. You can add a project, import entrants and conduct as many test drawings as you want. If you have a free account, you can directly continue and make a final drawing or purchase a plan for your business projects.
How do I delete my account?
Sign in and scroll down at the My Account page. Click on the Delete Account button.
What is a drawing weight?
Normally, every entrant has the same probability to be chosen. If you have 100 survey participants and 1 prize, each participants has probability of 1% to win. Weights enable to increase or decrease the probability to win. Imagine an ice cream shop conducting the contest - the more ice cream you buy the higher is your probability to win. One ice cream means the weight=1, two ice creams increase you probability to win twice (weight=2)... Weights are indicated in protocols to avoid cheating.
Is there a limit for data import?
Yes, 5 MB per file. If your file is larger, try to change it - big files usually contain unnecessary data which can be deleted
What if I delete a project?
All project data is removed from our system. RandomPicker keeps only information about the existence of the drawing so we can display the right information in protocols.
What if I delete my account?
We delete your identity and data from all your projects. If you published a project protocol, visitors get the message - "No data available".
Is paying for RandomPicker online safe?
Yes, RandomPicker uses Paypal to charge fees (using payment card from Mastercard, Visa or your Paypal account. We do not get your credit card number from PayPal, so your card is 100% safe! For more information, visit website.
How can I see my subscription receipts?
You can access all your receipts from your payments by logging in to your account on our website.
I have a transaction labeled as "RANDOMPICKER" on my bank statement. What does this mean?
“RANDOMPICKER” is the transaction description associated to the payment for your RandomPicker payments on your printed or online bank statement.