15.09.2024 7:32:36

Protokol o losování

Co je RandomPicker: RandomPicker je nezávislý systém, který pomáhá organizátorům soutěží losovat výherce. Výběr je zcela náhodný a transparentní, aby se zamezilo jakýmkoliv manipulacím nebo zkreslením výsledků. Je obsažen také modul pro náhodné losování sportovních soutěží.
Jak to funguje: RandomPicker generuje každému účastníkovi unikátní náhodné číslo, na základě kterých pak přiřazuje ceny.
Protokoly představují možnost, jak účastníci mohou snadno získat informace o losování.

Název projektu: PARTICIPANT RANDOM RAFFLE Round May - August 2023

The requested project expired, the record is not available.
Bezplatná verze - pouze pro nekomerční účely
Organizátor: Associazione Luca Chiarabini Memorial; via nassa 15; Lugano; Schweiz
Den losování: 20.09.2023 9:22:26 (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlín, Bern, Řím, Stockholm, Vídeň

PARTICIPANT  RANDOM  RAFFLE  Round May - August 2023: among all valid PARTICIPANT photos submitted to the Jury in Luca Memorial Contest, Round May - August 2023.



3x $100 store voucher for purchasing caving /canyoning equipment at one of the Friend Stores (https://stores.lucamemorial.org/). Store to be chosen by winner.


$50 Amazon card if preferred by winner.



Submitted photo must have been taken in 2023 to opt to win the prize(*). Otherwise prize will go to next alternate winner in list. 

One chance to win per photo. Maximum 15 photos per person.

Only one prize per person. If multiple photos of same person are picked winner, person will win only once. The second prize will go to next alternate in list.

NON-Repeat rule for winners applies: https://lucamemorial.org/enter/#NONREPEAT

“Are ineligible to win ROUND $100💵 (voucher) prize random raffled among all Participating photos award:
Winners of any prize in cash, voucher or product valued equal or more than $50 during the current or previous two years “

(*) During post-verification, failure to comply with the Contest Eligibility Rules for the author and/or photograph may result in prize revocation. In that case, the next eligible alternate in the ranking will be awarded.


The Winner will be the first photo in the listing (Winner and Alternates) complying with all above rules and criteria.

If one photo / author does not comply, option to win pass to next in list.

If none in list are valid winners, random pick shall be repeated.

1 prize 1xAlternate 1
2 prize 1xAlternate 2
3 prize 1xAlternate 3
4 prize 1xAlternate 4
5 prize 1xAlternate 5
6 prize 1xAlternate 6
7 prize 1xAlternate 7
8 prize 1xAlternate 8
9 prize 1xAlternate 9

Celkový počet účastníků losování: 918
Chance of winning: All entries had an equal chance of winning

Seznam výherců

Systém vylosoval následující výherce::
ID výherceCenaImageWeight
Michelangelo_capelli (United States) Nº 1969 http://LucaMemorial.Org/1969 Alternate 1 1
Demis Baggi Biotelli (Switzerland) Nº 3070 http://LucaMemorial.Org/3070 Alternate 2 1
Radu Puschin (Romania) Nº 2722 http://LucaMemorial.Org/2722 Alternate 3 1
Arles Correa (Colombia) Nº 2996 http://LucaMemorial.Org/2996 Alternate 4 1
Mimun Ouchan (Spain) Nº 2932 http://LucaMemorial.Org/2932 Alternate 5 1
Alex Martin (Spain) Nº 2082 http://LucaMemorial.Org/2082 Alternate 6 1
Mercedes Abasolo jauregui (Spain) Nº 2934 http://LucaMemorial.Org/2934 Alternate 7 1
Mimun Ouchan (Spain) Nº 2512 http://LucaMemorial.Org/2512 Alternate 8 1
Cristian Alejandro Quintero Velasquez (Colombia) Nº 2991 http://LucaMemorial.Org/2991 Alternate 9 1